For all MNU media inquiries, please contact:

Brandi Johnson

Senior Manager of Communications and External Relations

(204) 226-9803 (cell)
(204) 942-1320 (office)

Downloadable Images of MNU President Darlene Jackson

Print Version

8 X 10" CMYK (300dpi jpg format)

Online Versions

1200 X 1680px RGB (72dpi jpg format)
600 X 840px RGB (72dpi jpg format)

darlene_jackson_1200x1690.jpg (412 KB)

MNU Quick Facts

Size and scope

  • The Manitoba Nurses Union (MNU) was founded by nurses on October 15, 1975.
  • We represent more than 13,000 members comprised of Registered Nurses, Registered Psychiatric Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, and Operating Room Technicians.
  • We represent about 97% of unionized nurses in the province.


  • Members are organized into Local or Worksite units that represent nurses at that particular site, such as hospitals, personal care homes and other agencies. These locals fall under one of five Regional Health Authorities in Manitoba.
  • The union is headed by a Board of Directors elected from five regions. The MNU’s democratic structure provides all members with voting privileges.
  • Annual General Meetings are attended by delegates once a year in Winnipeg or Brandon.
  • MNU staff assist members with labour relations, communications, government relations, education and administration.


  • The MNU has membership in: the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions, the Manitoba Council of Health Care Unions and the Canadian Labour Congress.
  • The union liaises with these registering and licensing bodies: College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba, the College of
  • Licensed Practical Nurses of Manitoba, and the College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of Manitoba.
  • MNU also works cooperatively with the Canadian Nursing Association and other national and international organizations such as Global Nurses United.

The Yellow Ribbon

  • Our yellow ribbon was originally used as a symbol in the fight nurses successfully waged to keep emergency rooms open in 1995. It continues to be a symbol of our role as advocates for quality health care and our power, motivation and commitment to the cause.