The deadline for the Joyce Gleason Memorial Scholarships is fast approaching – on Oct. 15 – so if you know a student that qualifies, please tell them about this scholarship.
The Manitoba Nurses Union offers four annual scholarships of $1,500 to students enrolled, for the first time, in a nursing program (RN, LPN or RPN) at a Manitoba institution. Students may apply for this scholarship in any year of their nursing program. Please note that nurses who have already completed a nursing program are not eligible.
Joyce Gleason, who was the first Executive Director of the Manitoba Organization of Nurses’ Associations (MONA) that is now MNU, was a firm believer that “to care for nurses is to care for patients” and she devoted her career to advocating for nurses and patients. Her dedication to the union movement and the nursing profession won her the respect of nurses throughout Canada.
This scholarship was established in 2001 in recognition of her commitment and contribution in the support of nurses. To learn more, please visit this website.