The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) is hosting a special edition of its ‘Speaking Up: Conversations About a Better Future’ event this Thursday on the topic of health care.

Thomas Linner, Provincial Director of the Manitoba Health Coalition, is delivering a talk titled Public Health Care Not Private Profit.

During this event, Linner will be discussing the cuts, chaos, and privatization efforts in Manitoba these last seven years, and how citizens can work together to push for public health care over private profit.

Here are the event details:

Thursday Sept. 21, 2023, 7 p.m.

2nd floor Multipurpose Room

Union Centre 

275 Broadway, Winnipeg

To RSVP, please click this link.

The event will also be livestreamed on CCPA MB's Youtube Channel, located here

Please share this information with your colleagues, family and friends, so as many people as possible are invited to attend.