November is Diabetes Awareness month, with World Diabetes Day taking place today, November 14, which is the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, the co-discoverer of insulin along with Charles Best in 1922.

The Manitoba branch of Diabetes Canada is holding its fundraising gala, the Best Banting Gala, at the Club Regent Event Centre on Friday, November 24, 2023, where guests will enjoy an evening filled with laughter, entertainment, live and silent auctions, and so much more!

The honouree at this year’s gala is the St. Boniface Hospital Endocrinology team, which provides collaborative, interdisciplinary care for people living with diabetes and other endocrine disorders. This team includes endocrinologists, clinical nurses, clinical dietitians, a physician's assistant, clerks, and a secretary.

Please visit this link to read more and to purchase tickets before the deadline, which is November 20. 

Organizers ask that if you can't join them at the gala, please consider making a tax-deductible donation in support of sending a child to their Camp Briardale for children with diabetes and the advancement of diabetes research. Click this link to make a donation.