After a successful soft launch in September, we at MNU are thrilled to announce that our new website is ready for the use of our members and the public!

Our goal with the new site was simple – to create a modern, responsive, easy-to-use resource for our members. We focused on ensuring the navigation be straightforward and intuitive, whether viewed on desktops, mobile devices or tablets.

We’ve kept the main page clean, with a feature slider that we will use to promote coming events and campaigns, as well as some key buttons for Member Portal access, Workload Staffing Reports (WSRs) and MNU Surveys. We’ve decided to house a news feed on the home page as well, with the intention of updating the content regularly. A new feature we’ve included is an LRO and Local Locator, which allows members to easily search who their LRO is and which Local they belong to.

Auditing and overhauling the website was a big undertaking for our Comms team, and we’re thankful to have had some great advice and guidance from Debbie Winterton, Professional Practice and Education Officer, before she retired.

We’re also incredibly thankful to Communications Officer Jane Chartrand for spearheading this project! It took hundreds of hours of back-and-forth with the local web development company, and we simply could not have done it without her.

Websites are fluid and ever changing, so please know that we will continue to add content, update and expand the new site over the coming weeks, months and years.

If you have any feedback on the new MNU website, please email