News & Events


Canada’s nurses raise $51,000 to support health care workers in Ukraine

Nurses and their unions from across the country raised $51,000 to directly support Ukrainian health care workers, in a strong act of solidarity at the Canadian Federation of Nurses Union’s Biennium in Charlottetown, which took place in June.…
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Registration for 2023 Fall Education Conference closes July 31

A reminder that the registration deadline for the 2023 MNU Fall Education Conference is July 31. This conference takes place at the Fairmont Hotel in Winnipeg, on September 26 and 27. The two-day event will include one full-day workshop will…
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July message from MNU President Darlene Jackson

Tomorrow is an important day for nurses across the country. The Premiers of all provinces and territories are in Winnipeg for the Council of the Federation Summer Meeting. The Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions has organized a breakfast…
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CATEGORIES: News, Events

Solidarity School Announces the MNU Fall Education Conference

MNU is thrilled to announce our return to in-person education. This fall, Solidarity School will host a 2-day Fall Education Conference in Winnipeg.Solidarity School's two-day event will include one full-day workshop for all attendees to take part in
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Online WSR now available in Interlake-Eastern

MNU is pleased to announce that we secured RHA agreement to launch the Online Workload Staffing Reports (WSRs) to Interlake-Eastern Central Table worksites/locals. WSRs were designed to be able to capture key data about safe staffing levels…
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CATEGORIES: News, Events

Change Starts With Us conference report

MNU figured prominently at the Manitoba Federation of Labour’s Change Starts With Us political action conference on June 15 and 16 at Winnipeg’s RBC Convention Centre. This conference brought together activists from dozens of unions to learn…
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CATEGORIES: News, Events

Save Public Health Care Rally taking place July 11

This summer, Winnipeg will host the 2023 Council of the Federation's meeting of Canada’s Premiers, July 10-12. CFNU's National Executive Board has arranged a breakfast meeting on July 11 and a rally in support of our public health care system…
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New educational video on PHIA

MNU’s Solidarity School recently added a new educational video on Recognizing and Preventing PHIA Breaches. In this video, MNU Education Officer Shelby Colbert guides members through the most common types of PHIA breaches so that further…
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MNU Locals changing to Worksites

MNU is continuing to feel the effects of the provincial Tory government’s Bill 29: The Health Care Sector Bargaining Review Act. For those who might not recall, a representation vote took place in 2019 as a result of Bill 29. This act was…
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MNU provincial office summer hours in effect

Summer hours are now in effect at the MNU provincial office at the Union Centre building in Winnipeg. The summer hours of operation are as follows:
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June message from MNU President Darlene Jackson

Before I touch on the CFNU Biennial Convention, I’d like to take this opportunity to say how proud we are to welcome 39 new members at Rest Haven Personal Care Home in Steinbach. These new members, which include Registered Nurses (RN),…
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MNU Education Survey results now available

In May, we sent out an Education Survey to all members for feedback on MNU educational offerings. This survey was sent out on May 11 and closed on May 18, and in it we asked a series of questions, the majority of which were multiple-choice.…
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MNU welcomes new members at Rest Haven Personal Care Home

The Manitoba Nurses Union is proud to welcome 39 new members at Rest Haven Personal Care Home in Steinbach. Known as Local 163, these new members, which include Registered Nurses (RN), Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) and a Nurse Practitioner…
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CATEGORIES: News, Events

Over 1,000 nurses from across Canada come together in PEI for week-long convention

Gathering in person for the first time in four years, more than 1,000 nurses are descending upon Prince Edward Island’s capital June 5-9 for the biennial convention of the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU). “After years of working…
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CATEGORIES: News, Events

Winnipeg Nurses Choir holding Spring Concert

The Winnipeg Nurses Choir is holding its Spring Concert on Sunday, June 11, 2023, at 2 p.m. at the United Church in Meadowood, 1111 Dakota St. The event is Silver Collection, so they are asking attendees to bring a tin for the bin for Harvest…
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