News & Events


CFNU President pens piece on private staffing agencies

Concerns around private staffing agencies were raised early last week by Linda Silas, President of the Canadian Federation on Nurses Unions, in an opinion piece published by National Newswatch. Here is an excerpt: Insufficient staffing, high…
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Manitoba election, meeting with new Federal Health Minister roundup

Our last edition of The Pulse was sent out on Election Day in Manitoba before the final results were announced. We as an organization are grateful to every member who spoke out to make healthcare the number one issue in this election.…
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Updated CRNM Profile and renewal dates

The College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba (CRNM) launched a new registrant database/CRNM Profile (Alinity) on Sept. 28, 2023. All RNs and RN(NP)s are encouraged to check the email address that they have on file with CRNM for instructions…
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CFNU part of new national Pharmacare campaign

The Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU) along with allied health and labour organizations are calling on the federal government to ensure its impending pharmacare legislation works to establish a universal, comprehensive and public…
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October message from MNU President Darlene Jackson

MNU has been on the forefront of letting our members and the public know how much is on the line right now, for us personally at MNU and for Manitobans. As I have said many times, I am NOT going to tell you who to vote for, but what I will…
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CATEGORIES: News, Events

Catalysts for Care series looks at Health Equity in Cancer Care

The Catalysts for Care series, presented by the Clinical Chair program at the University of Manitoba’s College of Nursing, continues with an event on Oct. 10, 2023. The topic for this virtual presentation is Breaking Down Barriers:…
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Joyce Gleason scholarship deadline reminder

The deadline for the Joyce Gleason Memorial Scholarships is fast approaching – on Oct. 15 – so if you know a student that qualifies, please tell them about this scholarship. The Manitoba Nurses Union offers four annual scholarships of $1,500…
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CFNU launches study on nurse agencies

The Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU) is launching a study to investigate the rising use of agency nurses across Canada and its implications on the health care system. In a press release sent out on Sept. 14, CFNU President Linda…
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Manitoba Election voting information

Advance Voting for the Manitoba provincial election begins this Saturday, Sept. 23, and runs until the following Saturday, Sept. 30. Elections Manitoba has sent out voter information cards in the mail. If you received one, this card lets you…
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CATEGORIES: News, Events

‘Public Health Care Not Private Profit’ event on Sept. 21

The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) is hosting a special edition of its ‘Speaking Up: Conversations About a Better Future’ event this Thursday on the topic of health care. Thomas Linner, Provincial Director of the Manitoba…
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Lace Up fundraiser entering final two weeks

There are a couple weeks left to participate and donate towards our virtual Lace Up for Diabetes event! For those who would still like to participate in our event by walking, running, and/or cycling, Team MNU’s goal is 2,000 km, which is the distance
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Registration open for new MindWell session

MindWell for Healthcare Workers, a free online wellness course designed for healthcare workers by healthcare workers, has a new session coming up. That session starts on Oct. 10, 2023, World Mental Health Day and registration is open now.…
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CATEGORIES: News, Events

Catalysts for Care series resumes with ‘Moral distress in nursing practice’

The Catalysts for Care series, presented by the Clinical Chair program at the University of Manitoba’s College of Nursing, resumes next Tuesday. The topic for this virtual presentation is ‘You get used to a certain kind of horrible’ – Moral…
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Reminder: Public consultation on Safe Long-Term Care

The Government of Canada is conducting a public, online consultation to inform the development of a Safe Long-Term Care Act, and the deadline to complete the questionnaire or send feedback is Sept. 21, 2023. There are three ways to participate:
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Winnipeg Nurses’ choir is recruiting

Do you like to sing? If so, come and join your colleagues in a choir of working and retired nurses in a stress-free and fun environment. The Winnipeg Nurses Choir meets Monday nights at 7 p.m. at Balmoral Hall school. No audition is required.…
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