News & Events

CATEGORIES: News, Events

Catalysts for Care event in February

The next Catalysts for Care event takes place at noon on February 13 on the topic Early mobility to improVE health outcomes following cardiac surgery (EVE) Clinical Feasibility Trial Development with Emily Hyde, RN, MN, PhD(C), CCN(C), Vanier…
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CATEGORIES: News, Events

Final deadline for MFL’s Health and Safety Conference

The Manitoba Federation of Labour (MFL) is hosting its Health and Safety Conference on February 1 and 2, 2024, at Canad Inns Polo Park and the final registration deadline is coming up fast! This conference will provide worker-focused…
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CATEGORIES: News, Events

Catalysts for Care event in January

The Catalysts for Care series resumes on January 9 at noon with the topic 'Applying a relational perspective to understand how intimate couples accomplish life together when one person has dementia' with speaker Dr. Barbara Tallman RN, MN,…
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CATEGORIES: News, Events

Interested in a career with MNU? We are hiring!

MNU Central Office is looking for a Permanent, Full-Time Accounting and Information Technology Coordinator. The deadline to apply is December 20th, 2023 @ 1600 hrs. Please visit our MNU Careers page for all the details.
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CATEGORIES: News, Events

CFNU hosting webinar on nursing and climate change

The Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU) is hosting a dynamic discussion at the nexus of climate change and health care, bringing together some of the most passionate climate activists and nursing leaders to share insights on the…
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CATEGORIES: News, Events

Early bird deadline for MFL’s Health and Safety Conference

The Manitoba Federation of Labour (MFL) is hosting its Health and Safety Conference on February 1 and 2, 2024, at Canad Inns Polo Park and the early bird deadline for registration is coming up fast! This conference provides worker-focused…
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CATEGORIES: News, Events

Winnipeg Nurses Choir in concert on December 3

The Winnipeg Nurses Choir will present their annual holiday concert at Westworth United Church, located at 1750 Grosvenor Ave. (Lanark at Grosvenor), on Sunday, December 3, 2023, at 2 p.m. There will be a silver collection at the door, so…
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CATEGORIES: News, Events

Book your place at the Best Banting Gala

November is Diabetes Awareness month, with World Diabetes Day taking place today, November 14, which is the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, the co-discoverer of insulin along with Charles Best in 1922. The Manitoba branch of Diabetes…
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CATEGORIES: News, Events

Next Catalysts for Care event on Nov. 14

The topic for the upcoming Catalysts for Care virtual presentation is Identifying and understanding disparities in undergraduate nursing education with Dr. Vanessa Van Bewer, RN, PhD, Assistant Professor University of Manitoba, College of Nursing.
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CATEGORIES: News, Events

CCPA fundraising brunch honours Leslie Spillett

This year, the Manitoba branch of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives is proud to be honouring Leslie Spillett during their annual fundraising brunch, which takes place at 10 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 12, 2023, at the Fairmont Hotel, 2…
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CATEGORIES: News, Events

CCPA events in Winnipeg and Brandon

The Manitoba branch of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) is holding its latest event in its Speaking Up series on Thursday, Oct. 19, 2023. Featuring Curt Hull, the project director of Climate Change Connection and lead author…
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CATEGORIES: News, Events

No Space For Hate rally

This rally calls on the new Manitoba government to take action against the rise of anti-2SLGBTQ+ hate and extremism in their first 100 days in office. In a social media post from Pride Winnipeg, it says, “Together, we’ll take a stand…
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CATEGORIES: News, Events

Catalysts for Care series looks at Health Equity in Cancer Care

The Catalysts for Care series, presented by the Clinical Chair program at the University of Manitoba’s College of Nursing, continues with an event on Oct. 10, 2023. The topic for this virtual presentation is Breaking Down Barriers:…
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CATEGORIES: News, Events

‘Public Health Care Not Private Profit’ event on Sept. 21

The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) is hosting a special edition of its ‘Speaking Up: Conversations About a Better Future’ event this Thursday on the topic of health care. Thomas Linner, Provincial Director of the Manitoba…
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CATEGORIES: News, Events

Catalysts for Care series resumes with ‘Moral distress in nursing practice’

The Catalysts for Care series, presented by the Clinical Chair program at the University of Manitoba’s College of Nursing, resumes next Tuesday. The topic for this virtual presentation is ‘You get used to a certain kind of horrible’ – Moral…
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