Scholarships & Education Funds
As part of an ongoing commitment to the profession of nursing, MNU is pleased to offer scholarships for individuals pursuing a career in nursing, as well as nurses continuing their education.
Education funds are also available for MNU members looking to expand their knowledge in labour studies.
For Current Nurses
The MNU Continuing Education Scholarship represents our commitment to professional development, and was established by a resolution at the 2013 Annual General Meeting.
Five (5) scholarships of $2000 are available annually to MNU nurses enrolled in a nursing degree or post-degree program that is nursing related. Please note that distance and on-line courses that are part of a degree program may qualify for this scholarship. RN, LPN, RPN applicants may apply for the scholarship in any year of their program.
The application deadline is May 31 of each year.
The Keith Lambert Memorial Labour Fund provides members with an opportunity to further their knowledge in the area of labour studies.
Applicants are eligible to access funds only once in three (3) calendar years, and up to a maximum of $1,000.
About Keith Lambert
Keith held several union positions and remained a strong advocate for nursing and the labour movement throughout his career at the Health Sciences Centre.
This education fund was established in 1993, in recognition of his philosophy of effecting change through participation, so that other nurses can advance their labour education and become active union members.
For Future Nurses
The Manitoba Nurses Union offers four (4) annual scholarships of $1,500 to students enrolled, for the first time, in a nursing program (RN, LPN or RPN) at a Manitoba institution. Students may apply for this scholarship in any year of their nursing program; however, nurses who have already completed a nursing program are not eligible.
The application deadline is October 15 of each year.
About Joyce Gleason
Joyce Gleason was a firm believer that “to care for nurses is to care for patients” and she devoted her career to advocating for nurses and their patients.
In the early 1970s, she was instrumental in winning collective bargaining rights for nurses and went on to become the first Executive Director of the Manitoba Organization of Nurses' Associations (now MNU). Her dedication to the union movement and the nursing profession won her the respect of nurses throughout Canada.
This scholarship was established in 2001 in recognition of her commitment and contribution in the support of nurses.
The Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU) offers an annual $1,000 scholarship to each provincial nurses’ union, for students enrolled in nursing programs.
The MNU recipient will be chosen by a committee of the MNU board.
Applicants for the Joyce Gleason Scholarship will automatically be considered for this award.
There is no separate application for the CFNU scholarship.
Member Outreach Funds
The Manitoba Nurses Union and Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU) provide funds to support members’ endeavors related to international humanitarian nursing/medical services/assistance, disaster relief and initiatives that offer support for disadvantaged peoples.
Established in 2006, the International Assistance Fund recognizes nurses’ endeavours in international solidarity and disaster relief through donations to established non-profit organizations (e.g. Canadian Red Cross, Mennonite Disaster Relief, Salvation Army, Anglican PWRDF) upon application or recommendation.
Nurses and/or organizations must apply online — applications must include a letter describing the project — and/or be recommended by the MNU Board of Directors.
At the CFNU Biennial Convention in 2005, nurses voted to create an International Solidarity Fund. By creating an International Solidarity Fund, the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions joins other labour unions in Canada, which mobilize resources to support initiatives that foster solidarity with the disadvantaged, whether their being disadvantaged is a result of a natural disaster or an unfair economic and social order.