Keith Lambert Memorial Labour Fund
The Keith Lambert Memorial Labour Fund provides members with an opportunity to further their knowledge in the area of labour studies.
Applicants are eligible to access funds only once in three (3) calendar years, and up to a maximum of one thousands dollars ($1,000).
Application Details
Criteria for Applications
- The applicant must be a member in good standing of the Manitoba Nurses Union.
- Funds will be awarded only for labour oriented programs/courses and these programs must be sponsored by organizations outside the Manitoba Nurses Union.
- EXCEPTION: When the Keith Lambert Fund Account carries a balance in excess of $10,000.00, applications for MNU sponsored events (tuition fees only) will be considered.
- Expenditures related to registration; books or materials; accommodation; meals or travel may be eligible. These expenditures must follow MNU Financial policies (MNU Handbook M-5) in order to be considered for reimbursement.
- Funds cannot be used for salary replacement.
- Applicants are eligible to access funds only once in three (3) calendar years, and up to a maximum of one thousand dollars ($1000).
I was sponsored by my Local/Worksite/Region
MNU members may apply for Keith Lambert Memorial Labour funding (as an individual) to reimburse the Local/Worksite/Regional Local that has sponsored them for an educational program as long as the aforementioned criteria (as stated) and the following conditions are met:
- The member accurately discloses all sources of funding.
- The member provides receipts for all expenses (exception: meals).
- The member submits documentation from the Local/Worksite/Regional Local of the latter’s expectation of reimbursement (e.g. minutes of meeting or signed declaration of a Local/Worksite/Regional Local Executive Officer).
- The member does not receive more funds than their documented expenditures.
- The Local/Worksite/Regional Local assumes responsibility for the collection of monies from the applicant member.
- Any monies received by an individual member, will be considered as part of their calendar year total, even if they use the funds to reimburse the Local/Worksite/Region.
- If the request is for MNU Education Conference tuition, the original Education Conference registration form must indicate this intent prior to attendance at the event. For those approved for funding that have been sponsored by their Regional Local / Worksite / Local, payment will be made directly to the sponsor.
Application Checklist
- Proof of attendance and all applicable receipts must accompany the application.
- Applicants must include a program/course description or brochure.
- Applicant must identify how this program/course knowledge will be shared within their local, region or provincial union.
- Applications must be submitted to the MNU office within 60 days following completion of the program/course.
- Applicants are required to disclose all alternate sources of funding, including local and regional local sources. Payment will be made to the Regional Local / Worksite / Local, if funded as such.
How to Submit
Complete the online submission, and be sure to include:
- Proof of attendance and all applicable receipts must accompany the application.
- A program/course description or brochure.
- How this program/course knowledge will be shared within their local, region or provincial union.
- Disclosure of all alternate sources of funding, including local and regional local sources. Payment will be made to the Regional Local/Worksite/Local, if funded as such.