MNU is continuing to feel the effects of the provincial Tory government’s Bill 29: The Health Care Sector Bargaining Review Act.
For those who might not recall, a representation vote took place in 2019 as a result of Bill 29. This act was designed to reduce the number of bargaining units in health care in Manitoba. It established a fixed number of bargaining units for each health region, and for the province-wide health employer Shared Health, which was newly created back then.
In addition to the representation vote that saw MNU gain about 500 members, the Health Regions changed their names to become “Health Region Employers Organizations,” such as the Northern Health Region Employers Organization.
To reflect this change, MNU Locals that have agreements with these regions, which we refer to as Central Table, will be changing their names to Worksite. Their MNU number will remain the same. For example, Local 10 at HSC will now be referred to as Worksite 10.
Non-Central Table Locals will continue to be known as Locals, for example, Canadian Blood Services Nurses Local 62 and Salem Personal Care Home Local 156.
We know that this change will likely take some time to be fully adopted, therefore the ‘Find Your LRO & Local/Worksite’ search function will continue to allow members to search using either term.
Our Communications Team will be working to update the MNU Website over the coming days and weeks, as this will be a large undertaking. Historical documents on the website will remain untouched to reflect the time period in which they were created in.