Our MNU lawn signs with the messages Vote like your life depends on it and The State of Health Care is Outrageous have proven quite popular across the province, and we have a new shipment arriving soon in Winnipeg!

The goal of the lawn signs campaign is to have them up before this fall’s provincial election to draw attention to the state of public health care in Manitoba and encourage all those who can to vote.

Over the past couple weeks, MNU staff have handed out signs during our pop-up events at St. Vital Centre, Kildonan Place, Grant’s Old Mill near Grace Hospital, and Grant Park Mall. To see future pop-up events, please check our social media pages on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. These pages are public, so you should be able to see them without having to sign up with any of these platforms.

Signs are available for pick-up daily between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. at our provincial office on the third floor of the Union Centre building, 275 Broadway.

Additionally, two of our biggest locals are also handing out signs to all MNU members, so even if you work elsewhere, you are welcome to pick them up from these Locals’ offices.

Worksite 5 at St. Boniface Hospital has signs available Mondays to Thursdays between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., but requests that members call first at this phone number: 204-231-0188 or email info@stbonifacenurseslocal5.ca

Worksite 10 at HSC is also handing out signs, please visit them during their office hours to pick one up.

For our members located in northern and western Manitoba, many Locals/Worksites took signs back with them from the AGM in late April, so please contact your Local or Worksite for a sign.