Starting today, nurses in Southern Health-Santé Sud can submit Workload Staffing Reports (WSRs) online. With this launch, all health regions in Manitoba now have access to online WSRs.
WSRs are an important tool for you to record the challenges you face on the job. Submitting a WSR isn’t just your right, it’s essential for holding management accountable.
With the online system, your reports will be instantly documented and shared with management, the provincial MNU office, and your local/worksite.
This change is a big step forward in how you record your workload concerns, ensuring that no report goes missing and that every workload issue is dealt with efficiently.
To submit a WSR, visit the WSR portal.
To learn more about online WSRs, check out the resources on our Workload Staffing Reports page.
Note: Those under Eden, Heritage Life, Salem, and Rest Haven are not included in this launch.