News & Events


CLC’s ‘Show We Care’ campaign

The Canadian Labour Congress has launched a campaign centered around the millions of workers who care for our children, the ill, the elderly, people living with disabilities and beyond. This campaign raises awareness on the plight of care…
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MFL Health and Safety Conference registration deadline

The Manitoba Federation of Labour’s Health and Safety Conference is taking place February 2 and 3, 2023, and the final registration deadline is fast approaching! This edition of the conference takes place at Canad Inns Polo Park and will…
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MNU member receives CNS award

Our congratulations to MNU member Lea Mutch for receiving the CNS of the year award! As stated last month in the WRHA’s Health Care Connection digital newsletter, “The Clinical Nurse Specialists of Manitoba Interest Group presented their…
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Kim Kotelo Memorial Award marks one year anniversary

In December of 2021, Red River College Polytech announced the establishment of the Kim Kotelo Memorial Award for Nurses. This award, valued at $1,000, is presented annually to a student completing their third year of the Bachelor of Nursing…
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‘The Magic Pill is Within’ available for 30 days

Yesterday, Solidarity School presented The Magic Pill is Within, a keynote by Linda Crawford and a reminder at a typically busy and often stressful time of year, to go within to seek comfort from the chaos. We are pleased to be able to offer…
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‘Sustaining Nursing in Canada’ report released

Last month, CFNU and the Canadian Health Workforce Network released a new report titled ‘Sustaining Nursing in Canada.’ This report proposes a set of concrete actionable solutions to help meaningfully solve the health care crisis. It starts…
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Retro payment info for MNU members at St. Amant

MNU is pleased to announce the recent and successful conclusion of collective bargaining with St. Amant. Congratulations to our members in Local 95! Now that the ratification of this new Collective Agreement has been completed, we want to…
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CATEGORIES: News, Events

Solidarity School Presents Virtual Keynote "The Magic Pill is Within"

MNU's Solidarity School is excited to present a 45-minute virtual keynote titled 'The Magic Pill is Within' from Linda Crawford on December 22, 2022.    Linda Crawford has always been very passionate about people, and well-being and for the…
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MNU welcomes new members at Calvary Place

The Manitoba Nurses Union is very pleased to welcome 35 new members at Calvary Place personal care home. Known as Local 162, these new members are joining us following a Manitoba Labour Board sanctioned certification vote, which was done via…
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Further expansion of Central Table Incentives announced

Since the Manitoba government held a press conference on November 10, 2022, to announce additional incentives for MNU members in Central Table, we received a large volume of questions and feedback. Please know that our Labour Relations team…
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MNU store now open for business

We are delighted to announce that the new MNU Store is up and running! The MNU store features a wide range of products, including recently added merch such as the Liquid Courage Tumblers, Nurses Rock T-Shirts, MNU Cardigans, MNU Classic…
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MFL Health and Safety Conference early bird deadline

The Manitoba Federation of Labour’s Health and Safety Conference is taking place February 2 & 3, 2023, and the early bird deadline to register is fast approaching! This edition of the conference takes place at Canad Inns Polo Park and will…
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National Day of Remembrance & Action on Violence Against Women

This year marks the return of the Memorial Lunch held in-person to mark the National Day of Remembrance & Action on Violence Against Women. Organized by the MFL Women’s Committee, this sold-out lunch event explores the theme A Labour of Love:…
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Share your concerns with government on the incentives

Since the government’s announcement earlier this month, we have heard from many MNU members that the current incentives do not address certain significant areas of nursing and nursing needs. We know that we have well over 2,000 vacant nursing…
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CSSB videos, seminars available for grandfathered MNU members

MNU members who were grandfathered into the Civil Service Superannuation Board of Manitoba (CSSB) and remain in this pension plan can view pre-recorded videos or sign up for in-person seminars. The CSSB has two pre-recorded information…
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