MNU International Assistance Fund

The Manitoba Nurses Union (MNU) established an International Assistance Fund passed at MNU’s 2006 Annual General Meeting to support nurses’ endeavours in international solidarity through donations to established non-profit organizations (i.e. Team Heart, Mercy Ships Canada, Global Volunteers, Hands Up for Haiti, etc).

The MNU allocates $2000.00 annually to the fund through the budgeting process. The MNU Board will hold a yearly fundraiser at the Annual General Meeting to supplement the fund. The fund will accept donations from Regions / Locals / Worksites, individuals and organizations. Any monies from the fund not utilized will be carried into the next calendar year.

The MNU Executive Committee shall administer the fund and the amount of support will be determined based on annnual fund income, however, financial assistance to an applicant will not exceed $500.00. Members can apply online and may be asked to submit a written report on their experience. Members will be eligible to receive funding on a one time basis only, however, special consideration at the Executive Committee’s discretion may be given to repeat applicants in years where funds remain.

How to Submit

Nurses and/or organizations must apply online using this online submission form. Please ensure completion of the application: all fields are required. 

Applications must include a letter describing the project and/or be recommended by the MNU Board of Directors.

Scholarship Application

About the Project

Project Letter

Please upload a letter describing this project.

Submission Declaration

I declare that all of the information contained in this application is accurate and truthful. I will adhere to the terms and conditions of the scholarship if I am a successful applicant. I further understand that by clicking the Submit button below, I am